"Yumi, Keep busy!"
TO: All Parents, Guardians and Family Members
within the San Andreas Regional Center Catchment Area
As most of you know, we lost a mother and her son in early March in a murder-suicide. Her son was a 22-year-old non-verbal adult with severe autism. I knew this woman and her son. She and I would chat when we went to pick up our boys at school.
Like all of us, she was taking it one day at a time. Her death and the death of her beautiful son was a crushing blow. As parents and family members of children with severe disabilities, we can relate to the stress this mother was experiencing. Her feelings of hopelessness have been experienced by nearly all of us at one time or another.
We have all felt the grief, and never want to see such a tragedy ever take place in our community again.
If you would be able to help another parent or guardian or caregiver through a tough time and listen to their concerns and provide a good ear and your heart, we are asking you to sign up for this new parent support program. You also could use the resource for yourself when you're feeling overwhelmed. There would be only one required training at a location near you.
Your full name and your child’s name will never be revealed.
The Crisis Hotline information below is provided to you for guidance. We are NOT professionals, but parents/caregivers who may have been down this path and/or suffered from depression ourselves.
It has been our experience that parents of disabled children/adults are afraid to call Suicide Prevention phone numbers because they are not certain if the number is seen on the screen and police or child protective services are immediately contacted. However, if you feel the person would call, please provide these numbers.
Our hope is that we will be able to help parents in crisis by connecting them with a parent with a child with the same diagnosis(es), behaviors, medical conditions, etc. close to where they live.
“Parent Crisis Support Project”
If you are interested in being part of the Parent Crisis Support Project, please respond to this email and give us your; First Name, Address, and Phone Number. Please know that your personal information will not be shared with anyone.
Please feel free to contact Nicki at nickpeck@sbcglobal.net, for further information. Nicki is a mom of a severely autistic 15 yr. old son who lives in Santa Cruz County and is spearheading this project.